
Events Calendar Header

Dates and Times

30 January 2025
11:00 - 12:00

Event for


Building: UC Refectory




Speed Friending

Come one come all! Whether you are a brand new or a returning student, speed friending is a great way to meet new people and maybe create some long-lasting bonds!  

You’ll be discussing the most important questions in life, such as your favourite movie genre, ‘pineapple on pizza; yes, or no?’ and ‘do you scrunch or fold toilet paper?’, nah, we are just kidding about that last one, well maybe... but you will find out when you come along to make some new connections! 

What to expect when you turn up you may ask? Well, come along and you will see long rows of chairs ready for you in UC Refectory. We'll provide directions throughout so no need to worry about not knowing where to go. Our lovely staff will also be around, ready to assist you at all times. All you need to do is sit, bring your cheerful personality ready and be open to talking to new people, as you only get a few minutes to get to know someone before moving onto the next person. We also have fun prompts on screens and an MC on a microphone to further give you more topics to discuss. Once the session is done, we will let you know, and you can continue with your newly made friends onto our next event as there is plenty going on! 

If you love meeting new people as much as we do, you can come to as many Speed Friending sessions throughout the week as you'd like! Just remember, this one's in UC Refectory instead of outside. 

The Social Intensity Scale for this is 5/5 as you will be continuously talking to a range of people for approximately an hour. 

We are always flexible and willing to work with our students so we want to hear from you if there are any accessibility requirements that will make it easier to attend our event! 

If you love meeting new people as much as we do, you can come to as many Speed friending sessions throughout the week as you'd like! 

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